Startups: Stop Building Microservices

Startups: Stop Building Microservices

So your building a new product for your startup? Let’s use microservices! It’s the shiny architecture all the big players—Amazon, Netflix, Google—are using, so it must be the right way to build your product, right?
Not so fast.
If you’re a startup, adopting microservices too early might be one of the biggest mistakes you could make. When you're still figuring out what your product looks like and how it works, microservices can slow you down—fast. Constantly changing requirements make it almost impossible to define the clean service boundaries microservices need to function effectively. Instead of speeding up development and scaling, you end up fighting an architecture that doesn’t fit your requirements anymore.
In this post, you’ll learn why microservices often hurt startups more than they help, why starting with a monolithic architecture is usually the best choice, and when it actually makes sense to transition to microservices.
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Why Microservices Are a Problem for Startups

Microservices might sound like a no-brainer for scalability and decoupling, but in a startup, they can quickly become a headache. Here’s why:

1. Constant Change Makes Service Boundaries Impossible to Define

Startups thrive on fast iteration. You’re constantly changing features, tweaking workflows, and sometimes even pivoting the entire product. Microservices rely on clear service boundaries—well-defined chunks of functionality that operate independently. But how do you draw those boundaries when everything is in flux? You can’t.
What ends up happening is that changes to one service ripple through others, creating dependencies that defeat the whole purpose of microservices in the first place. Instead of a flexible system, you get a distributed monolith—just as tightly coupled as a monolith, but harder to manage.

2. Operational Overhead Outweighs the Benefits

While microservices offer theoretical advantages—like independent scaling and fault isolation—the operational overhead is immense, especially for small teams. Each microservice requires its own deployment pipeline, monitoring, and testing infrastructure. That’s a lot of extra work for a startup running lean. Plus, you’ll need a team that’s not only great at coding but also versed in DevOps, containerization, and orchestration tools like Kubernetes. For a small startup, that’s asking a lot when your focus should be on shipping features and iterating quickly. Your clients care about features, not architectures.

3. Complexity Kills Speed

The promise of microservices is agility, but when you’re small and still figuring out your product, it’s the opposite. Microservices create a lot of moving parts. Troubleshooting becomes harder because you need to track down which service is causing an issue. With a monolithic architecture, you make changes in one place and deploy them. With microservices, you have to coordinate deployments across multiple services, which increases the chances of errors and downtime. It’s an unnecessary level of complexity when what you really need is speed.

The Case for Monoliths in Early-Stage Startups

Monoliths might sound old-fashioned in a world dominated by buzzwords like microservices and serverless, but for most startups, they’re exactly what you need. Here’s why starting with a monolith makes sense:

1. Faster Development and Iteration

When you’re a startup, speed is your biggest advantage. A monolith allows you to make changes quickly and push them out in one go. You don’t have to worry about coordinating multiple service deployments or managing complex interactions between components. Everything is in one codebase, making it easier to navigate and update. If you need to pivot, a monolith lets you do that quickly without worrying about how those changes will impact a web of microservices.

2. Easier to Manage with a Small Team

With a small team, you need to maximize efficiency. A monolithic architecture doesn’t require a sprawling DevOps setup or specialized teams for every service. It’s much simpler to manage with basic tools, reducing the overhead that comes with deploying, monitoring, and maintaining multiple services. This frees up your team to focus on building features that drive value for your customers, rather than managing infrastructure.

3. You Can Still Keep Things Decoupled

Just because you’re using a monolithic architecture doesn’t mean you need to abandon good design principles like separation of concerns and decoupling. Within a monolith, you can keep different parts of your system modular and well-separated through proper design patterns like layers, services, and domain-driven design (DDD). This gives you the flexibility to maintain clean boundaries between components, making it easier to break off services into microservices later if necessary. You get the best of both worlds: the simplicity of a monolith with the groundwork for future scalability.

4. You Can Always Transition Later

Here’s the best part: you don’t have to stick with a monolith forever. Once your product gains traction and specific components start to scale, you can transition parts of your system to microservices. By then, you’ll have a much better understanding of your product’s needs and can break off the parts that make sense. But until then, the simplicity of a monolith is usually your best bet.

When Microservices Actually Make Sense

Microservices aren’t always a bad idea—they just need to be implemented at the right time and for the right reasons. For startups, this point typically comes when the product has grown beyond the limits of a monolith and specific components need to scale independently. Here’s when microservices start to make sense:

1. When Specific Components Need to Scale Independently

If parts of your application are experiencing significantly higher load or traffic than others, it might be time to break them off into microservices. For example, if your payment processing system is handling a huge volume of transactions while other parts of your app aren’t under as much strain, separating that into a microservice allows you to scale it independently. This is where microservices shine—letting you allocate resources where they’re needed most, without scaling the entire system.

2. Clear Service Boundaries Have Emerged

One of the biggest challenges with microservices is defining boundaries between services. In the early stages, these boundaries are hard to predict because your product is evolving quickly. But once your product has matured and the roles of different components are well-established, it becomes easier to break them into distinct services. If you have modules that rarely change or interact with each other, splitting them into separate services makes sense and can lead to better performance and maintainability.

Conclusion: Keep It Simple, Start with a Monolith

For startups, the temptation to adopt the latest architectural trends can be hard to resist, especially when companies like Amazon and Netflix seem to swear by microservices. But for most early-stage companies, the reality is that microservices can add unnecessary complexity, slow you down, and create operational headaches you don’t need.
The simplicity of a monolithic architecture allows your team to focus on what really matters: building a great product, iterating quickly, and delivering value to your customers. You can still maintain modularity and separation of concerns within a monolith, laying the foundation for scaling when the time is right. Once your product has matured and specific components need to scale independently, that’s when microservices make sense.
So, if you’re in the early stages of building your product, don’t let the hype around microservices distract you. Start with a monolith, and give your startup the freedom to grow without getting bogged down in complexity. Keep it simple, focus on speed, and adopt the right architecture when it truly makes sense.